As a master plumber for over 18 years, I have been asked many times “why is my water bill so high” all of a sudden. The bill doubles, triples, or even gets outright ridiculous.
The 5 most common problems with a water bill that gets high all of a sudden are listed below:
- Faulty Flapper Valve
- Fill Tube Adjusted To High
- Dripping Faucets
- Recent Changes In Water Use
- Irrigation Leaks
In this article, I will go through these 5 common problems one by one and explain how to fix the issues. If you are not capable of doing these things yourself and live in the Baytown TX area Just Call Alfa Plumbing Services (713) 992-9257 and I will personally come out and give you a free estimate.
You can also click on the Table Of Contents below to click straight to your personal situation. Comments are welcome below if I haven’t addressed your problem so I can add it to this post to help others.
Table of Contents
Why Is My Water Bill So High The #1 Cause
The number one reason for a water bill to double or triple all at once is the toilet flapper valve at the bottom of the toilet tank. This item is not expensive but when the flapper doesn’t stop the water from going “Down The Drain” it also flushes your hard-earned money down the toilet. Literally.

This Flapper at most home improvement stores runs anywhere from $5 – $15 which is very affordable considering what it can cost you in a water bill if not replaced.
Why Does This Little Rubber Flapper Cause Such A Problem
The reason why this little rubber stopper fails is because over time sediment builds up around the bottom of the flapper preventing it from stopping the water from leaking out.
This in turn keeps the water flowing into the tank and then flowing down the toilet. If when you get a high water bill and then ask yourself why is my water bill so high do a simple test to see if it is the flapper.
You most likely have some food coloring around so just put a few drops in the top of your tank. If you see the toilet bowl water changing color it is your flapper valve and you need to change it.
Get the right size
Yes, unfortunately not all of these flapper valves are the same size. The best advice I can give you is to take the old one out and bringing it to any home improvement store and ask someone in the department to help you find the right one.
These come out real easy by first disconnecting the chain from the toilet flushing handle and then pulling the tabs at the right and left of the stopper out to remove the flapper.
The #2 Cause Why Your Water Bill Is So High Float Adjusted To High

If your float is adjusted to high the water will spill over the overflow at the top like a water fall that could waist up to 6,000 gallons of water a month. This will defiantly cause you to ask why your water bill is so high.
Adjusting The Float
As you can see in the photo above most toilets today have a float valve system like in the picture above. Adjust the screw counter-clockwise will lower the float. Just adjust it a little at a time until the water stops about a half an in from the top.
But My Float Don’t Look Like That?
Yes there are a few different float systems out there and I will add a few of them in this article below.
Ball and Arm Float
This is another common float system in older homes called a ball and float as seen in the image below. Some of the older ones you actually have to bend the float arm up or down. The newer ones have an adjustment screw at the top of the float valve.

There are other types of fill valves of course but these are the main three you will find in most homes.
Why Is My Water Bill So High Cause #3 Dripping Faucets
Dripping faucets are another common problem as to why your water bill can increase. A drip a second can waste 17 gallons of water a day. Fixing a dripping faucet most of the time is just changing out a rubber washer. I have videos below that will show you how to fix a dripping faucet in the bathtub or sink. These are the two main places in homes a faucet will leak.
The # 4 Reason Your Water Bill Is High Recent Changes In Water Use
If all of a sudden you experience a higher water bill it could be a sudden change in water use. Some of these could be the following:
- Adding an extra family member or friend to the household.
- New Water Consuming Equipment ( Swimming Pools, Sprinkler Systems Or Gardening )
- Bad Water Wasting Habits ( Extra long Showers, Over Watering Lawns, washing dishes by hand leaving the water running by doing so )
By thinking about how you use water will effect your water bill. Showers shouldn’t last more than 5 minutes. You don’t need to saturate the grown when watering a lawn. If you have no dishwasher and wash your dishes by hand, fill the sink with water first then rinse all at once instead of each item at a time.
The # 5 Reason Your Water Bill Is High a Leaking Irrigation System
Some times water leaks do not occur inside the home. If you have a landscaping irrigation system you may have a cracked line or broken fitting.
Finding a leak in an irrigation system leak if not visible can be hard to diagnose. If you are having problems with a water leaking issue and you can’t put your finger on it then it is time to call in a professional.
Alfa Plumbing Services in Baytown TX is your number 1 Baytown Plumber that will do a leak detection analysis to find out what is leaking and fix the problem. Call Alfa Plumbing Services If You are in the Baytown area at (713) 992-9257 or go to the contact page at https://alfaplumbingservices.comcontact