Baytown Water Heater Maintenance
The first step in Baytown water heater maintenance is to regularly check the pressure relief valve. Just doing this you can tell a lot about your hot water tank or even if you need a new valve.
Start by first putting a bucket at the end of the pipe coming from the relief valve itself. Then at the valve start lifting the handle until you see water coming from the bottom of the pipe. Then let go of the handle and it should snap right back into place, If it doesn’t that means you need a new valve. Also if you see water coming from the valve and you are not lifting the handle you need a new valve.
This valve is very important. It is the only thing stopping your water heater from becoming a bomb. If you do see water this means the valve most likely released itself recently. Check to make sure you have the temperature set to 120 degrees. If the temperature gauge reads higher reduce the temperature.

If you have a tank-less water heater you may have condensing units that need to be checked periodically. Make sure your periodically check these for the conditions listed in the picture. Most people have the storage hot water heater but in case you don’t.

I t is very important to keep track of your maintenance records. Make sure you schedule regular maintenance check-ups at least once a year. Water Heater Repair depends on regular maintenance. Remember the old saying, “Pay Maintenance now or pay it Later” don’t wait for the later.

We have talked before about flushing your system regularly. This will prevent water heater knocking which if isn’t addressed in a timely manner could destroy your water heater from the inside out. This could cause leaking and or complete failure of the take rupturing it and causing major water damage.

Make sure you randomly check the temperature gauge to make sure the water heater is set at 120 and not over heating. Remember the relief valve is the only thing keeping your water tank from turning into a bomb. If you constantly run the water heater temperature to high you can cause damage to the heater element, the water heater itself and the relief valve which will work hard to release excess pressure all the time.

Last but not lease if you are having problems with your water heater and need help call a professional plumber like Baytowns finest Alfa Plumbing Services. We will help you most of the time the same day. Our plumbing services and water heater maintenance services is by far the best.