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If You’re handy you don’t need a plumber to know how to fix your toilet from running

Knowing how to fix your toilet from running is really simple and if you have a few simple tools around you can do it yourself and save on a service call.

Basically the only tools for this simple fix you might need is a flat head screw driver and a pair of pliers. So Lets get to it.

How to Fix Your Toilet from Running Most Common Problem

The first and most common problem that keeps a toilet from running is the stopper flap. This flap can get deposit build up underneath where the flap touches the porcelain. This defect can cost hundreds of dollars to your water bill and costs less than $10 to fix. So lets do this.

image of toilet stopper valve how to fix your toilet from running
Toilet Stopper Valve

image of water shut off valve how to stop your toilet from runningThe first thing you want to do is shut off the water supply. Just follow the line to the wall and turn the knob clockwise to shut it off.

Before flushing the toilet push down in the middle of the stopper. If the water stops running that is your problem.

Once you do that you can then flush the toilet and unhook the adjustable chain that attaches to the stopper and then detach the stopper by removing it from the two side posts or just pull them off.Image of detach points to take off stop valve to stop toilet from running Once you have the stopper valve out go to your local home improvement store bringing the old stopper with you and get a new one.

Reattach the new stopper in the same way you took it off. Once it is replaced turn the water valve back on turning it counterclockwise and you’re done. This will save you lots of $$$

If After You Pushed Down On The Stopper and The Water Still Ran Check This Out

Image of a toilet fill tubeThe water may be running over the fill tube. If you look at the fill tube and see water running over the top you may just need to adjust the float.

Just use a Philips screwdriver and turn it counterclockwise to lowerimage of adjusting the float the float and clockwise to raise the float. You want to get the water level about 1/2 inch below the fill tube top. Pretty simple stuff right?

 image of floating bulb water stopper

What about an old floating bulb on a metal rod. Well, it is really the same principle. Just turn the adjustment screw down or up to adjust the bulb.


So How Do You Fix Your Toilet From Running If You Have a Push Button Type

image of push button flusher

image of inside the top of a toilet with push buttonsThese are simple as well. First of all, you need to do the same as the others by taking off the top of the toilet. Once you do that check to make sure no water is coming over the fill tube. If it is just turn the adjustment screw up or down.

If that isn’t the problem you will need to grab the cylinder that has the two buttons and twist it clockwise a quarter turn and pull it out.

image of cylinder being removed from toilet

image of removing bottom sealAt the bottom of the cylinder is a rubber gasket. By simply removing the gasket and turning it around and reinstalling it will stop the leaking water in your toilet.

This is how to fix your toilet from running in 3 different scenarios. Below are some videos that might help.

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